Michael Bond, University of BC
Mar 18, 2025, 12-1 pm PST
Seminar | A Payer’s Perspective on Value from Hospital Care
Jason Sutherland, University of BC
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2019
10:30-11:30 am
Room 1500, St. Paul’s Hospital
CHEOS Work in Progress Seminar
As taxpayers and providers, are we receiving fair value for money from our spending on health care? Comparative research shows that provinces’ delivery systems lag behind many of our international peers on attributes that are important to patients and families and we may have a long way to go to close the gap.
Improving value for our spending is a concept spreading across other counties. Government payers and insurers are now remunerating hospitals based on the number and type of patients they treat, providing incentives for improving access. Elsewhere, payers are linking remuneration with outcomes. From the perspective of the government payers across Canada, there are many opportunities to improve value for spending. However, are such approaches desirable in Canada and what may be the unintended consequences?
Jason Sutherland is the Program Head for Health Services and Outcomes at CHÉOS and CHSPR faculty.
CHEOS Work in Progress presentations take place at St. Paul’s Hospital on alternating Wednesdays from 12:00–1:00 PM. These seminars provide investigators with an opportunity to present ongoing research, obtain feedback from colleagues and peers, and make new connections for their projects. Talks are open, and a light lunch is served.