Seminar | Ethical and social implications of Learning Health Systems from data to knowledge and from knowledge to practice

Jodyn Platt, University of Michigan

Monday, April 9, 2018
B104, 2206 East Mall
School of Population and Public Health
University of British Columbia

Learning health systems systematically aggregate and analyze data to generate new knowledge that is then applied in practice. They exemplify the current trend to share and analyze not only electronic data, but also the knowledge gained from networked health information systems. In so doing, learning health systems navigate the gray area between research, quality improvement, and clinical care, raising ethical and pragmatic questions about governance and tole of the public in decision-making.

This presentation examines the U.S. public’s comfort with being a part of big data networks that support learning health systems, and considers the ethical and social implications of current efforts at the University of Michigan to create the “Knowledge Grid,” and infrastructural innovation that would move “big data” to “big knowledge.”

Jodyn Platt is an Assistant Professor and Learning Health Sciences trained in medical sociology and health policy. Her research currently focuses on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of learning health systems and precision health. She is interested in understanding what makes learning health systems trusted and the pathways for earning, achieving, and sustaining trust using qualitative and survey methods.

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