Poster Presentations
The conference organizing committee invited submissions of abstracts for poster presentations on health services and policy research topics, with preference for topics relevant to primary care. The submission deadline was December 16, 2024. If you submitted an abstract, we will notify you of the decision by January 8, 2025.
Presentation Guidelines
- Posters will be displayed throughout the conference and presenters will stand by their posters during the in-person poster session and reception on March 3, 2025 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. Posters will be presented in-person only.
- The organizing committee asks that all posters incorporate some discussion of the policy implications of your research.
- Posters must be printed and 46 inches in height and 46 inches in width, or smaller, as two posters will be displayed on each side of a 4 by 8 foot board.
- Presenters must register for and attend the conference in-person and are responsible for all associated costs.