2025 CHSPR Health Policy Conference
March 3-4, 2025
Vancouver or Virtual
CHEOS Work in Progress Seminar | Measuring what matters: Key pieces of a primary care learning health system
Sabrina Wong, University of BC
Wednesday, Oct 24, 2018
Hurlburt Auditorium, St Paul’s Hospital
Canada has seen extensive reforms and investments in community-based primary health care (CBPHC) totaling over $1 billion. This has unleashed a myriad of innovations, only some of which has been evaluated. Understanding which innovations ought to be scaled and spread across jurisdictions or where practices could improve the quality of care is challenging because of the dearth of information available about PHC. Currently no data exist that would enable a better understanding of which regional features of CBPHC are working and which need reform. Evidence from the hospital sector indicate that public reporting of performance can influence quality improvement agendas. Public performance reporting has the potential to improve the quality of care, increase accountability, facilitate public participation in health care, impact societal and professional values and direct attention to issues not currently on the policy agenda. While performance reporting in the hospital sector grows, performance reporting in PHC lags behind. The purpose of this session is to describe work being done in Canada to formulate pieces of a primary care learning health system that includes patient-reported experiences, impacts and outcomes of care, organizational characteristics and use of electronic medical record data.