Using data to advance human rights, Part 2: A UBC dialogue about the collection and use of disaggregated data
UBC Health
Feb. 24, 2021, 4-5:30pm
Effect of Patient Demographics on Minimally Important Difference of Ankle Osteoarthritis Scale Among End-Stage Ankle Arthritis Patients
Sutherland JM, Albanese CM, Wing K, Zhang YJ, Younger A, Veljkovic A, Penner M. Effect of Patient Demographics on Minimally Important Difference of Ankle Osteoarthritis Scale Among End-Stage Ankle Arthritis Patients. Foot Ankle Int. 2021 Jan 27:1071100720977842.
Measuring the impact of delayed access to elective cholecystectomy through patient’s cost-utility: An observational cohort study
Karimuddin A, Albanese M, Crump T, Liu G, Sutherland JM. Measuring the impact of delayed access to elective cholecystectomy through patient’s cost-utility: An observational cohort study. Int J Qual Health Care. 2021 Jan 25;mzab018.
Residential care and administrative data in British Columbia: Developing methods to identify residents
Peterson S, Yung S, Beaumier J, Lavergne R, McGrail K. Residential care and administrative data in British Columbia: Developing methods to identify residents. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Nov 2020.
PIHCIN Webinar | Frailty and Older Adults Primary Health Care in Canada
Sabrina Wong and other panelists
Jan 26, 2021
9-10:30am PST
Choosing Wisely Webinar | Using Electronic Medical Record Data for Primary Care Practice Improvement
Sabrina Wong, CHSPR
Jan. 27, 2021, 9am PST
SPPH Webinar | Data Science and Population Health Research
Ronan Lyons, Swansea University
Jan 21, 2021, 10:30am – 12pm PST
Differences in Mode Preferences, Response Rates, and Mode Effect Between Automated Email and Phone Survey Systems for Patients of Primary Care Practices: Cross-Sectional Study
Johnston S, Hogg W, Wong ST, Burge F, Peterson S. Differences in Mode Preferences, Response Rates, and Mode Effect Between Automated Email and Phone Survey Systems for Patients of Primary Care Practices: Cross-Sectional Study. J Med Internet Res. 2021 Jan 11;23(1):e21240.
Cost-related medication nonadherence in Canada: a systematic review of prevalence, predictors, and clinical impact
Holbrook AM, Wang M, Lee M, Chen Z, Garcia M, Nguyen L, Ford A, Manji S, Law MR. Cost-related medication nonadherence in Canada: a systematic review of prevalence, predictors, and clinical impact. Syst Rev. 2021 Jan 6;10(1):11.
Toward better governance of human genomic data
O’Doherty KC, Shabani M, Dove ES, Bentzen HB, Borry P, Burgess MM, Chalmers D, De Vries J, Eckstein L, Fullerton SM, Juengst E, Kato K, Kaye J, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Manson SM, McGrail KM, McGuire AL, Meslin EM, Nicol D, Prainsack B, Terry SF, Thorogood A, Burke W. Toward better governance of human genomic data. Nat Genet. 2021 Jan;53(1):2-8.