Political arithmetick: physician productivity in concept and measurement: draft discussion paper.
Evans RG. Political arithmetick: physician productivity in concept and measurement: draft discussion paper. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Nov 2008.
Separate and unequal: self-segregation in health insurance.
Evans RG. Separate and unequal: self-segregation in health insurance. Med Care. 2008 Oct;46(10):1012-4.
Effect of illicit direct to consumer advertising on use of etanercept, mometasone, and tegaserod in Canada:controlled longitudinal study.
Law MR, Majumdar SR, Soumerai SB. Effect of illicit direct to consumer advertising on use of etanercept, mometasone, and tegaserod in Canada:controlled longitudinal study. BMJ. 2008 Sep 2;337:a1055.
“Balancing health and industrial policy objectives in the pharmaceutical sector: lessons from Australia. “
Morgan S, McMahon M, Greyson D. “Balancing health and industrial policy objectives in the pharmaceutical sector: lessons from Australia. “Health Policy. 2008 Aug;87(2):133-45.
Pharmaceutical innovation: can health and economic goals be met?
Morgan S, Mochrie C. Pharmaceutical innovation: can health and economic goals be met? Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; July 2008.
Use of atypical antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia in Maine Medicaid following a policy change.
Soumerai SB, Zhang F, Ross-Degnan D, Ball DE, LeCates RF, Law MR, Hughes TE, Chapman D, Adams AS. Use of atypical antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia in Maine Medicaid following a policy change. Health Aff (Millwood). 2008 May-Jun;27(3):w185-95.
Thomas McKeown, meet Fidel Castro: physicians, population health and the Cuban paradox.
Evans RG. Thomas McKeown, meet Fidel Castro: physicians, population health and the Cuban paradox. Healthc Policy. 2008 May;3(4):21-32.
Effect of prior authorization of second-generation antipsychotic agents on pharmacy utilization and reimbursements.
Law MR, Ross-Degnan D, Soumerai SB. Effect of prior authorization of second-generation antipsychotic agents on pharmacy utilization and reimbursements. Psychiatr Serv. 2008 May;59(5):540-6.
College students’ perceptions of their experiences: what do minority students think?
Wong ST, Seago JA, Keane D, Grumbach K. College students’ perceptions of their experiences: what do minority students think? J Nurs Educ. 2008 Apr;47(4):190-5.
The determinants of prescription drug expenditure … and what to do about them.
Morgan SG. The determinants of prescription drug expenditure … and what to do about them. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Apr 2008.