Challenges of rehabilitation case mix measurement in Ontario hospitals.
Sutherland JM, Walker J. Challenges of rehabilitation case mix measurement in Ontario hospitals. Health Policy. 2008 Mar;85(3):336-48.
What do people think is important about primary healthcare?
Wong ST, Watson DE, Young E, Regan S. What do people think is important about primary healthcare? Healthc Policy. 2008 Feb;3(3):89-104.
The effect of evidence-based drug coverage policies on pharmaceutical R&D: a case study from British Columbia.
Morgan SG, Cunningham C. The effect of evidence-based drug coverage policies on pharmaceutical r&d: a case study from British Columbia. Healthc Policy. 2008 Feb;3(3):54-63.
Richard III, Barer-Stoddart and the daughter of time.
Evans RG, McGrail KM. Richard III, Barer-Stoddart and the daughter of time. Healthc Policy. 2008 Feb;3(3):18-28.
The effect of evidence-based drug coverage policies on pharmaceutical r&d: a case study from British Columbia.
Morgan SG, Cunningham C. The effect of evidence-based drug coverage policies on pharmaceutical r&d: a case study from British Columbia. Healthc Policy. 2008 Feb;3(3):e128-53.