2008 | Evidence Soup for the Policy Maker’s Soul

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20th Anniversary Health Policy Conference | March 4-5, 2008


March 4

Morris Barer – Welcome and introductions
Stephen Toope – Welcome and comments

Morning Session 1 | Health and Health Care: Perceptions and Realities

Clyde Hertzman – Health system performance: What matters [Slides]
Karen Davis – Health system performance: Challenges for the US and Canada [Slides]

Morning Session 2 | Health is Up, Opinion is Down, Courts are Engaged…

Stuart Soroka – Media, public opinion and health policy [Slides]
Colleen Flood – Evidence, the judiciary, and public policy [Slides]

Afternoon Session 1 | Evidence: Is More Better?

Kevin Grumbach – Evidenced-based, or evidence de-based, policy: Examples from US physician workforce research and policy [Slides]
Bob Evans – Pedal to the metal: How Canada’s medical schools hijacked the future (again) [Slides]

Afternoon Session 2 | Overcoming Evidence: International Examples

Jeremiah Hurley – Turning logic and evidence on their heads: Australia’s subsidy to private insurance [Slides]
Alan Maynard – The “blurred” reforms of the English NHS [Slides]

Day 1 Wrap-up

Steven Lewis

March 5
Morning Session 1 | And Now for for Something Completely Different: Good News!

Michael Rachlis – Flying below the radar at warp speed: Good news about Canada’s health care system and why you don’t hear more about it [Slides]
Robyn Tamblyn – Adoption of electronic health records: Improving the outcomes of chronic disease management [Slides]

Morning Session 2 | Making Evidence Work: Critical Success Factors

Jeremy Grimshaw – Evidence and EBM is not enough: Building knowledge transfer and uptake infrastructure for health care [Slides]
Tony Culyer – OK, so EBM is not enough. What next then? [Slides]

Panel Discusssion

Adalsteinn Brown
Rick Roger
Glenda Yates

Lunch Session

Steven Lewis