Health Care Financing and Funding

Publications authored by CHSPR faculty and staff from 2009 to the present are listed here. Older peer-reviewed publications are usually available from individual journals and can be searched for using PubMed. Older reports published by CHSPR (from 1973) are available from the UBC Library cIRcle database. If you cannot find a specific publication, please contact us.

Cheng AH, Sutherland JM. British Columbia's pay-for-performance experiment: part of the solution to reduce emergency department crowding? Health Policy. 2013 Nov;113(1-2):86-92. Read more

Sutherland JM, Repin N, Crump RT, Hellsten E. Paying for hospital services: a hard look at the options. Toronto (ON): C.D. Howe Institute; Apr 2013. Commentary no.378. Read more

Sutherland JM,Repin N, Crump RT. Funding health and social care in Montreal Quebec: a review of the methods and the potential role of incentives. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement; Feb 2013. Read more

Law MR. Money left on the table: generic drug prices in Canada. Healthc Policy. 2013 Feb;8(3):17-25. Read more

Sutherland JM, Repin N, Crump TR. Reviewing the potential roles of financial incentives for funding healthcare in Canada. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement; Dec 2012. Read more

Law M. Canadians pay too much for generic drugs. In: Roos N, Manson Singer S, O’Grady K, Tapp C, Turczak S. Canadian health policy in the news: why evidence matters. University of Manitoba: Evidence Network, 2012; 334-37. Read more

McGrail K, Lewis S. Fraser Health: healthcare spending quantum analysis. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement; Nov 2012. Read more

McGrail K. Seniors will not bankrupt Canada's health system. Lancet. 2012 Nov 17;380(9855):1740. Read more

Sutherland JM, Hellsten E, Yu K. Bundles: an opportunity to align incentives for continuing care in Canada? Health Policy. 2012 Oct;107(2-3):209-17. Read more

Sutherland JM. Estimating the marginal costs of hospitalizations: discussion paper. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Jun 2012. Read more

Morgan S, Cunningham C, Law M. Changes, challenges, and innovations in pharmaceutical expenditure management. Washington (DC): Commonwealth Fund, 2011 International Symposium on Health Care Policy; 2011. Read more

McGregor MJ, Cohen M, Stocks-Rankin CR, Cox MB, Salomons K, McGrail KM, Spencer C, Ronald LA, Schulzer M. Complaints in for-profit, non-profit and public nursing homes in two Canadian provinces. Open Med. 2011;5(4):e183-92. Read more

Law MR, Ystma A, Morgan SG. The short-term impact of Ontario's generic pricing reforms. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e23030. Read more

Sutherland JM, Crump RT. Exploring alternate level of care (ALC) and the role of funding policies: an evolving evidence based for Canada. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Health Services Research Foundation; Sept 2011. Read more

McGrail K. How do they do that?: what can we learn from Everett, Washington about improving quality and outcomes without increasing costs? Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Aug 2011. Read more

Morgan S, Cunningham C. Population aging and the determinants of healthcare expenditures: the case of hospital, medical and pharmaceutical care in british columbia, 1996 to 2006. Healthc Policy. 2011 Aug;7(1):68-79. Read more

Sutherland JM, McGrail KM, Law MR, Barer ML, Crump RT. British Columbia hospitals: examination and assessment of payment reform (B-CHeaPR). BMC Health Serv Res. 2011 Jun 24;11:150. Read more

Sutherland JM, Barer ML, Evans RG, Crump RT. Will paying the piper change the tune? Healthc Policy. 2011 May;6(4):14-21. Read more

Sutherland JM. Hospital payment mechanisms: an overview and options for Canada. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Health Services Research Foundation; Mar 2011. Read more

Birkmeyer JD, Gust C, Baser O, Dimick JB, Sutherland JM, Skinner JS. Medicare payments for common inpatient procedures: implications for episode-based payment bundling.  Health Serv Res. 2010 Dec;45(6 Pt 1):1783-95. Read more