Health Services Utilization

Publications authored by CHSPR faculty and staff from 2009 to the present are listed here. Older peer-reviewed publications are usually available from individual journals and can be searched for using PubMed. Older reports published by CHSPR (from 1973) are available from the UBC Library cIRcle database. If you cannot find a specific publication, please contact us.

McGrail K. How do they do that?: what can we learn from Everett, Washington about improving quality and outcomes without increasing costs? Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Aug 2011. Read more

Broemeling AM, McGregor MJ, Kozak J, McGrail KM, Ronald LA, Araki Y and Murphy JM. Predictors of hospitalization among long-term home health services clients in one regional health authority in BC: what the interRAI-HC data tells us. Kelowna (BC): Interior Health Authority; 2010. Read more

Song Y, Skinner J, Bynum J, Sutherland J, Wennberg JE, Fisher ES. Regional variations in diagnostic practices. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jul 1;363(1):45-53. Read more

Hanley GE, Morgan S, Reid RJ. Explaining prescription drug use and expenditures using the adjusted clinical groups case-mix system in the population of British Columbia, Canada.  Med Care. 2010 May;48(5):402-8. Read more

Poole B, Black C, Gelmon K, Kan L. Is Canadian women's breast cancer screening behaviour associated with having a family doctor? Can Fam Physician. 2010 Apr;56(4):e150-7. Read more

Gottlieb DJ, Zhou W, Song Y, Andrews KG, Skinner JS, Sutherland JM. Prices don't drive regional Medicare spending variations. Health Aff (Millwood). 2010 Mar-Apr;29(3):537-43. Read more

McGrail KM, Broemeling AM, McGregor MJ, Salomons K, Ronald LA, McKendry R. Home health services in British Columbia: a portrait of users and trends over time. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Oct 2008. Read more

Watson D, Mooney D, McKendry R, Martin D, McLeod C, Regan S, Wong S. On the road to renewal: mapping primary health care in British Columbia. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Sept 2009. Read more

Morgan S, Cunningham C, Hanley G, Mooney D. The British Columbia medical and hospital atlas : a companion to the British Columbia Rx atlas, 2nd edition. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Sept 2009. Read more

Morgan S, Cunningham C, Hanley G, Mooney D. The British Columbia Rx atlas, 2nd edition. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Sept 2009. Read more

Hanley GE, Morgan SG. Chronic catastrophes: exploring the concentration and sustained nature of ambulatory prescription drug expenditures in the population of British Columbia, Canada. Soc Sci Med. 2009 Mar;68(5):919-24. Read more

Morgan S, Raymond C, Mooney D, Martin D. The Canadian Rx atlas, 2nd edition. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Dec 2008. Read more

McGrail KM. Income-related inequities: Cross-sectional analyses of the use of medicare services in British Columbia in 1992 and 2002. Open Med. 2008;2(4):e91-8. Read more

Morgan S, MacGibbon B. Pharmaceutical use and outcomes: always a need for a sober second look. Healthc Policy. 2007 Aug;3(1):10-22. Read more

Morgan S, McMahon M, Lam J, Mooney D, Raymond C. Canadian Rx Atlas. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Dec 2005. Read more

Morgan S, Schaub P, Mooney D, Lam J, Caetano P, McMahon M, Rahim-Jamal S. British Columbia Rx atlas. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Dec 2005. Read more

Watson DE, Krueger H, Mooney D, Black C. Planning for renewal: mapping primary health care in British Columbia. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Jan 2005. Read more

McGrail KM, Schaub P, Black C. The British Columbia Health Atlas, Second Edition. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; May 2004. Read more

Barer ML, Evans RG, McGrail KM, Green B, Hertzman C, Sheps SB. Beneath the calm surface: the changing face of physician-service use in British Columbia, 1985/86 versus 1996/97. CMAJ. 2004 Mar 2;170(5):803-7.Read more

Reid R, Evans R, Barer M, Sheps S, Kerluke K, McGrail K, Hertzman C, Pagliccia N. Conspicuous consumption: characterizing high users of physician services in one Canadian province. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2003 Oct;8(4):215-24. Read more