Pharmaceutical Policy

Publications authored by CHSPR faculty and staff from 2009 to the present are listed here. Older peer-reviewed publications are usually available from individual journals and can be searched for using PubMed. Older reports published by CHSPR (from 1973) are available from the UBC Library cIRcle database. If you cannot find a specific publication, please contact us.

Morgan S, Mochrie C. Pharmaceutical innovation: can health and economic goals be met? Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; July 2008. Read more

Soumerai SB, Zhang F, Ross-Degnan D, Ball DE, LeCates RF, Law MR, Hughes TE, Chapman D, Adams AS. Use of atypical antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia in Maine Medicaid following a policy change. Health Aff (Millwood). 2008 May-Jun;27(3):w185-95. Read more

Law MR, Ross-Degnan D, Soumerai SB. Effect of prior authorization of second-generation antipsychotic agents on pharmacy utilization and reimbursements. Psychiatr Serv. 2008 May;59(5):540-6. Read more

Morgan SG. The determinants of prescription drug expenditure … and what to do about them. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Apr 2008. Read more

Morgan SG, Cunningham C. The effect of evidence-based drug coverage policies on pharmaceutical r&d: a case study from British Columbia. Healthc Policy. 2008 Feb;3(3):54-63. Read more

Morgan S, MacGibbon B. Pharmaceutical use and outcomes: always a need for a sober second look. Healthc Policy. 2007 Aug;3(1):10-22. Read more

Morgan S, Hanley G, McMahon M, Barer M. Influencing drug prices through formulary-based policies: lessons from New Zealand. Healthc Policy. 2007 Aug;3(1):e121-40. Read more

Morgan SG. Direct-to-consumer advertising and expenditures on prescription drugs: a comparison of experiences in the United States and Canada. Open Med. 2007 Apr 14;1(1):e37-45. Read more

Morgan SG, McMahon M, Mitton C Centralising drug review to improve coverage decisions: economic lessons from (and for) Canada. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2006;5(2):67-73. Read more

Morgan S, Greyson D, Hanley G, Kinney E. Incentives for valued innovation in the pharmaceutical sector: issues for consideration by domestic and international policy makers. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Nov 2006. Read more

Morgan S, Evans RG, Hanley GE, Caetano PA, Black C. Income-based drug coverage in British Columbia: lessons for BC and the rest of Canada. Healthc Policy. 2006 Nov;2(2):115-27. Read more

Morgan SG, McMahon M, Mitton C, Roughead E, Kirk R, Kanavos P, Menon D. Centralized drug review processes in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Clin Ther. 2006 Aug;28(8):1217-24. Read more

UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research. Toward a national pharmaceuticals strategy: a summary of the 2006 health policy conference of the UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; May 2006. Read more

Morgan SG. Prescription drug expenditures and population demographics. Health Serv Res. 2006 Apr;41(2):411-28. Read more

Morgan S, McMahon M, Lam J, Mooney D, Raymond C. Canadian Rx Atlas. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Dec 2005. Read more

Morgan S, Schaub P, Mooney D, Lam J, Caetano P, McMahon M, Rahim-Jamal S. British Columbia Rx atlas. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Dec 2005. Read more

Morgan SG, Bassett KL, Wright JM, Evans RG, Barer ML, Caetano PA, Black CD. "Breakthrough" drugs and growth in expenditure on prescription drugs in Canada. BMJ. 2005 Oct 8;331(7520):815-6.Read more

Mintzes B, Barer ML, Kravitz RL, Kazanjian A, Bassett K, Lexchin J, Evans RG, Pan R, Marion SA. Influence of direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising and patients' requests on prescribing decisions: two site cross sectional survey. BMJ. 2002 Feb 2;324(7332):278-9. Read more