Aging and End-of-life

Publications authored by CHSPR faculty and staff from 2009 to the present are listed here. Older peer-reviewed publications are usually available from individual journals and can be searched for using PubMed. Older reports published by CHSPR (from 1973) are available from the UBC Library cIRcle database. If you cannot find a specific publication, please contact us.

Seow H, Sutradhar R, McGrail K, Fassbender K, Pataky R, Lawson B, et al. End-of-Life Cancer Care: Temporal Association between Homecare Nursing and Hospitalizations. J Palliat Med. 2016;19(3):263–70. Read more

Seow H, Barbera L, Pataky R, Lawson B, O'Leary E, Fassbender K, McGrail K, Burge F, Brouwers M, Sutradhar R. Does Increasing Homecare Nursing Reduce Emergency Department Visits at the End of Life? A Population-Based Cohort Study of Cancer Decedents. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2015 Oct 26. Read more

Barbera L, Seow H, Sutradhar R, Chu A, Burge F, Fassbender K, McGrail K, Lawson B, Liu Y, Pataky R, Potapov A. Quality of end-of-life cancer care in Canada: a retrospective four-province study using administrative health care data. Curr Oncol. 2015 Oct;22(5):341-55. Read more

Sivananthan SN, Lavergne MR, McGrail KM. Caring for dementia: A population-based study examining variations in guideline-consistent medical care. Alzheimers Dement. 2015 Aug;11(8):906-16. Read more

Barbera L, Seow H, Sutradhar R, Chu A, Burge F, Fassbender K, McGrail K, Lawson B, Liu Y, Pataky R, Potapov A. Quality Indicators of End-of-Life Care in Patients With Cancer: What Rate Is Right? J Oncol Pract. 2015 May;11(3):e279-87.  Read more

Sivananthan SN. Diagnosis & disruption : understanding guideline-consistent dementia care and patterns of transitions experienced by individuals with dementia (T). University of British Columbia; 2015. Read more

McGregor MJ, Abu-Laban RB, Ronald LA, McGrail KM, Andrusiek D, Baumbusch J, Cox MB, Salomons K, Schulzer M, Kuramoto L. Nursing home characteristics associated with resident transfers to emergency departments. Can J Aging. 2014 Mar;33(1):38-48. Read more

Sivananthan SN, Puyat JH, McGrail KM. Variations in self-reported practice of physicians providing clinical care to individuals with dementia: a systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Aug;61(8):1277-85. Read more

McGrail KM, Lilly MB, McGregor MJ, Broemeling AM, Salomons K, Peterson S, McKendry R, Barer ML. Health care services use in assisted living: a time series analysis. Can J Aging. 2013 Jun;32(2):173-83. Read more

McGrail KM, Lilly M, McGregor MJ, Broemeling A, Salomons K, Peterson S, McKendry R, Barer M. Who uses assisted living in British Columbia? : an initial exploration. Vancouver (BC): UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; 2012. Read more

McGrail K. Seniors will not bankrupt Canada's health system. Lancet. 2012 Nov 17;380(9855):1740. Read more

McGrail K. Long-term care as part of the continuum.  Healthc Pap. 2011;10(4):39-43; discussion 58-62. Read more

Evans RG.  Stumbling over iron rice bowls: the quest for integrated continuing care for the elderly.  Healthc Pap. 2011;11(1):36-40; discussion 86-91. Read more

McGregor MJ, Cohen M, Stocks-Rankin CR, Cox MB, Salomons K, McGrail KM, Spencer C, Ronald LA, Schulzer M. Complaints in for-profit, non-profit and public nursing homes in two Canadian provinces. Open Med. 2011;5(4):e183-92. Read more

McGregor MJ, Baumbusch J, Abu-Laban RB, McGrail KM, Andrusiek D, Globerman J, Berg S, Cox MB, Salomons K, Volker J, Ronald L. A survey of nursing home organizational characteristics associated with potentially avoidable hospital transfers and care quality in one large British Columbia health region. Can J Aging. 2011 Dec;30(4):551-61. Read more

Morgan S, Cunningham C. Population aging and the determinants of healthcare expenditures: the case of hospital, medical and pharmaceutical care in british columbia, 1996 to 2006. Healthc Policy. 2011 Aug;7(1):68-79. Read more

Cunningham CM, Hanley GE, Morgan SG. Income inequities in end-of-life health care spending in British Columbia, Canada: A cross-sectional analysis, 2004-2006. Int J Equity Health. 2011 Mar 16;10:12. Read more

Alderman AK, Bynum J, Sutherland J, Birkmeyer N, Collins ED, Birkmeyer J. Surgical treatment of breast cancer among the elderly in the United States. Cancer. 2011 Feb 15;117(4):698-704. Read more

McGrail KM, McGregor MJ, Cohen M, Tate RB, Ronald LA. For-profit versus not-for-profit delivery of long-term care. CMAJ. 2007 Jan 2;176(1):57-8. Read more

McGregor MJ, Tate RB, McGrail KM, Ronald LA, Broemeling AM, Cohen M. Care outcomes in long-term care facilities in British Columbia, Canada. Does ownership matter? Med Care. 2006 Oct;44(10):929-35. Read more