Aging and End-of-life

Publications authored by CHSPR faculty and staff from 2009 to the present are listed here. Older peer-reviewed publications are usually available from individual journals and can be searched for using PubMed. Older reports published by CHSPR (from 1973) are available from the UBC Library cIRcle database. If you cannot find a specific publication, please contact us.

Evans RG, McGrail KM, Morgan SG, Barer ML, Hertzman C. Apocalypse no: population aging and the future of health care systems. Can J Aging 2001;20(suppl. 1):160-91. Read more

McGrail K, Green B, Barer ML, Evans RG, Hertzman C, Normand C. Age, costs of acute and long-term care and proximity to death: evidence for 1987-88 and 1994-95 in British Columbia. Age Ageing. 2000 May;29(3):249-53. Read more

Barer ML, Evans RG, Hertzman C, Johri M. Lies, damned lies, and health care zombies: discredited ideas that will not die. Houston (TX): University of Texas-Houston Health Policy Institute; Mar 1998. Read more

Barer ML, Evans RG, Hertzman C, Lomas J. Aging and health care utilization: new evidence on old fallacies.  Soc Sci Med. 1987;24(10):851-62. Read more